anthem Bahamas – download mp3

anthem Bahamas - download mp3

download mp3 Lift up your head to the rising sun, Bahamaland March on to glory, your bright banners waving high See how the world marks the manner of your bearing Pledge to excel thro’ love and unity Pressing onward, march together, to a common loftier goal Steady sunward tho’ the weather hide the wide and […]

Himno de Puerto Rico – descargar mp3

Himno de Puerto Rico - descargar mp3

descargar mp3 La tierra de Borinquen donde he nacido yo es un jardín florido de mágico primor. Un cielo siempre nítido le sirve de dosel. Y dan arrullos plácidos las olas a sus pies. Cuando a sus playas llegó Colón; exclamó lleno de admiración: “¡Oh! ¡Oh ¡Oh! Esta es la linda tierra que busco yo.” […]

himno Costa Rica – descargar mp3

himno Costa Rica - descargar mp3

descargar mp3 Noble patria, tu hermosa bandera Expresión de tu vida nos da Bajo el límpido azul de tu cielo Blanca y pura descansa la paz En la lucha tenaz, de fecunda labor Que enrojece del hombre la faz Conquistaron tus hijos Labriegos sencillos Eterno prestigio, estima y honor Eterno prestigio, estima y honor ¡Salve, […]

anthem Saint Lucia – download mp3

anthem Saint Lucia - download mp3

download mp3 Sons and daughters of St. Lucia Love the land that gave us birth Land of beaches, hills and valleys Fairest isle of all the earth Wheresoever you may roam Love, oh love your island home Gone the times when nations battled For this ‘Helen of the West Gone the days when strife and […]

Belize Anthem – download mp3

Belize Anthem - download mp3

download mp3 O. Land of the Free by the Carib Sea, Our manhood we pledge to thy liberty! No tyrants here linger, despots must flee This tranquil haven of democracy The blood of our sires which hallows the sod, Brought freedom from slavery oppression’s rod, By the might of truth and the grace of God, […]

Anthem of Barbados – download mp3

Anthem of Barbados - download mp3

download mp3 In plenty and in time of need When this fair land was young Our brave forefathers sowed the seed From which our pride was sprung A pride that makes no wanton boast Of what it has withstood That binds our hearts from coast to coast The pride of nationhood We loyal sons and […]

Anthem of the Turks and Caicos – download mp3

Anthem of the Turks and Caicos - download mp3

download mp3 O we salute this land of ours Our country we declare This promise land with its beauties grand Though small it is our own CHORUS Turks & Caicos, Turks & Caicos Our country firm and free Our allegiance Turks & Caicos We pledge and we affirm. Our people forged and blend With multiplicity […]

Himno de Panamá – descargar mp3

Himno de Panamá - descargar mp3

descargar mp3 Alcanzamos por fin la victoria En el campo feliz de la unión Con ardientes fulgores de gloria Se ilumina la nueva nación Con ardientes fulgores de gloria Se ilumina la nueva nación Es preciso cubrir con un velo Del pasado el calvario y la cruz Y que adorne el azul de tu cielo […]

Himno de República Dominicana – descargar mp3

Himno de República Dominicana - descargar mp3

descargar mp3 Quisqueyanos valientes, alcemos Nuestro canto con viva emoción Y del mundo a la paz ostentemos Nuestro invicto glorioso pendón ¡Salve el pueblo que intrépido y fuerte A la guerra a morir se lanzó Cuando en bélico reto de muerte Sus cadenas de esclavo rompió Ningun pueblo ser libre merece Si es esclavo indolente […]

Jamaica national anthem – download mp3

Jamaica national anthem - download mp3

download mp3 Eternal father bless our land Guide us with thy mighty land Keep us free from evil powers Be our light through countless hours To our leaders great defender Grant true wisdom from above Justice, truth be ours forever Jamaica, land we love Jamaica, Jamaica, Jamaica land we love Teach us true respect for […]