hino da Libéria - baixar mp3

hino da Libéria – baixar mp3

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hino da Libéria
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1All hail, Liberia, hail! (All hail!)
2All hail, Liberia, hail! (All hail!)
This glorious land of liberty
Shall long be ours
Though new her name
Green be her fame
And mighty be her powers
This glorious land of liberty
Shall long be ours
Though new her name
Green be her fame
3And mighty be her powers
4And mighty be her powers
(And mighty be her powers!)
In joy and gladness
With our hearts united
We’ll shout the freedom
Of a race benighted
Long live Liberia, happy land!
A home of glorious liberty
By God’s command!
A home of glorious liberty
By God’s command!

7All hail, Liberia, hail! (All hail!)
8All hail, Liberia, hail! (All hail!)
In union strong success is sure
We cannot fail!
With God above
Our rights to prove
We will o’er all prevail
In union strong success is sure
We cannot fail!
With God above
Our rights to prove
5We will o’er all prevail
6We will o’er all prevail!
(We will o’er all prevail!)
With heart and hand our country’s cause defending
We’ll meet the foe with valour unpretending
Long live Liberia, happy land!
A home of glorious liberty
By God’s command!
A home of glorious liberty
By God’s command!.

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